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Bail now before boredom sets in...
organization and scheduling of the travel and events for everyone made this a perfect trip.
Without her hard work, research, and tireless efforts, slugs like me would never have
been able to enjoy this trip like I did. And I did!
And I promised to give credit to Sam Pontier, a friend and fellow baby boomer with more
money than sense, who lent us the use of his (expensive) Nikon digital camera for the duration of
this extended trip, and without whose generosity, the incredible scenery and events of this
vacation would not be pictured so conveniently here. Thanks to all!
This whole trip would not have been possible without the financial assistance Katie's mother,
Ruth, provided to all her children (and spouses and offspring). Thanks and gratitude cannot
be lavished enough upon her for her generosity and patience during this trip.
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Last updated March 28, 2010