Giant Cereal - Breaking New Ground in Useless Information
Last updated March 28, 2010
Huge cereal is a very esoteric subject. But this Frosted Flake has to go into the annals of large cereal
as a potential champion. Nearly two inches long, this could choke a two year old in a second. I preserved
it for a few days, before it fell victim to consumption. Mine. Tony the Tiger never envisioned
this flake in the box capable of being flown as a kite.
You wouldn't need a whole bowl full of these size flakes to win a marathon. In comparison to the
Frosted Flake, this Wheatie has a similar shape and size, but most of them do. Just not so large.
This Corn Flake is the biggest flake to date at over 2.25" in length. But look at the width! With a little epoxy
on it, this baby could be used as a snowboard. Why are all the big flakes found in the winter months?